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1st Solar Orbiter Summer School

1<sup>st</sup> Solar Orbiter Summer School


The ISSS 1st Solar Orbiter Summer School "Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Sun and the Heliosphere with Solar Orbiter" will take place in L'Aquila from September 22nd to 25th, 2014.

Solar Orbiter is the first M-class mission that will be launched as part of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 and will be dedicated to solar and heliospheric physics.

This mission offers a unique opportunity to discover the fundamental links between the magnetically stratified solar atmosphere and the dynamics of the solar wind which, ultimately, is the basis of all the activities of "space weather."

The purpose of this school is to give to a young audience of graduate students, which ideally represents the next generation of scholars in the physics of the sun and the heliosphere, a complete view of the overall science of the mission to the extent needed, for these future Solar Orbiter scientists, to understand and fully exploit these unique and unprecedented observations.


For further information please visit the International School of Space Science (ISSS) website: http://www.cifs-isss.org/
