Full Professors
Amadori Debora | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Antonelli Fabio | STAT-04/A - Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences |
Arbib Claudio | MATH-06/A - Operations Research |
Bedulli Lucio | MATH-02/B - Geometry |
Buccella Concettina | IIND-08/A - Power Electronic Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives |
Castellani Marco | STAT-04/A - Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences |
Cecati Carlo | IIND-08/A - Power Electronic Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives |
Cortellessa Vittorio | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Costantini Stefania | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
D'Ambrosio Raffaele | MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis |
De Santis Elena | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
Di Francesco Marco | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Di Gennaro Stefano | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
Di Ruscio Davide | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Di Stefano Gabriele | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Donatelli Donatella | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Engel Klaus Jochen Otto | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Frigioni Daniele | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Gabrielli Davide | MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics |
Graziosi Fabio | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Lattanzio Corrado | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Leonetti Francesco | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Leuzzi Giorgio | IINF-01/A - Electronics |
Mignosi Filippo | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Muccini Henry | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Nelli Barbara | MATH-02/B - Geometry |
Nolasco Margherita | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Pepe Pierdomenico | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
Pierantonio Alfonso | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Pignotti Cristina | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Proietti Guido | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Protassov Vladimir | MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis |
Rossi Fabrizio | MATH-06/A - Operations Research |
Rubino Bruno | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Santucci Fortunato | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Smriglio Stefano | MATH-06/A - Operations Research |
Tivoli Massimo | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Triacca Umberto | ECON-05/A - Econometrics |
Tsagkarogiannis Dimitrios | MATH-03/B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
Associate Professors
Alberici Diego | MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics |
Alesii Giuseppe | ECON-09/A - Finance |
Aragona Riccardo | MATH-02/A - Algebra |
Autili Marco | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Bilò Davide | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Bucchiarone Antonio | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Cassioli Dajana | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Cicerone Serafino | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Cicone Antonio | MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis |
Colangeli Matteo | MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics |
D'Emidio Mattia | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
D'Innocenzo Alessandro | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
De Marcellis Andrea | IINF-01/A - Electronics |
Della Penna Giuseppe | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Di Marco Piergiuseppe | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Di Marco Antinisca | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Di Mascio Tania | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Enea Maria Rosaria | MATH-01/B - Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics |
Fagioli Simone | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Fedeli Alessandro | MATH-02/B - Geometry |
Gavioli Norberto | MATH-02/A - Algebra |
Giuli Massimiliano | STAT-04/A - Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences |
Guerrieri Anna | MATH-02/A - Algebra |
Gullo Francesco | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Kuna Tobias | MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics |
Leucci Stefano | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Manes Costanzo | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
Melatti Igor | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Nesi Monica | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Nguyen Thanh Phuong | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Nota Alessia | MATH-03/B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
Palladino Michele | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Palombaro Mariapia | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Persia Fabio | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Pipoli Giuseppe | MATH-02/B - Geometry |
Pola Giordano | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
Santilli Mario | MATH-02/B - Geometry |
Serva Maurizio | MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics |
Spirito Stefano | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Stella Salvatore | MATH-02/B - Geometry |
Stilo Giovanni | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Tarantino Laura | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Caianiello Pasquale | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Cimoroni Maria Gabriella | MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis |
De Gasperis Giovanni | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Forlizzi Luca | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Guarguaglini Francesca Romana | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Macrì Marta | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Melideo Giovanna | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Merola Immacolata | MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics |
Minelli Ida Germana | MATH-03/B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
Pratesi Marco | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Sampalmieri Rosella Colomba | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Researchers (temporary position)
Alesii Roberto | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Centofanti Carlo | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Chiarello Felisia Angela | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Ciampa Gennaro | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Civino Roberto | MATH-02/A - Algebra |
Di Ferdinando Mario | IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering |
Di Patrizio Stanchieri Guido | IINF-01/A - Electronics |
Di Pompeo Daniele | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Di Rocco Juri | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Esposito Antonio | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Franchi Fabio | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Galeati Lucio | MATH-03/B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
Giovannelli Alessandro | STAT-01/A - Statistics |
Ioppolo Antonio | MATH-02/A - Algebra |
Lemmo Alice | MATH-01/B - Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics |
Lombardi Tiziano | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Manno Andrea | MATH-06/A - Operations Research |
Marotta Andrea | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Mohamadian Sobhan | IIND-08/A - Power Electronic Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives |
Pera Donato | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Piccioni Alex | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Pitoni Valentina | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Pomante Luigi | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Radici Emanuela | MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis |
Scalone Carmela | MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis |
Spezialetti Matteo | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Suárez Fernández Lisandra | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Tiberti Walter | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Traini Luca | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Tucci Michele | INFO-01/A - Informatics |
Valente Giacomo | IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems |
Valentini Roberto | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |
Zacchia Lun Yuriy | IINF-03/A - Telecommunications |