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Centres of excellence

The University of L'Aquila has two centres of research excellence and one centre of excellence:


Centro di Eccellenza CETEMPS

CETEMPS - Center of research excellence

The "Center of Excellence in Telesensing of Environment and Model Prediction of Severe Events" called CETEMPS was established in 2001 with the first public selection notice for centres of excellence set forth by the MIUR (Ministry for Education, University and Research). The...

Centro di Eccellenza DEWS

DEWS - Center of research excellence

The DEWS (Design Methodologies of Embedded Controllers, Wireless Interconnect and Systems-on-chip) Centre of Excellence of the University of L’Aquila was established in 2001, upon approval of the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research). Among the wide...

Centro di Eccellenza EX-EMERGE

EX-EMERGE - Centre of excellence

The Centre of excellence EX-EMERGE (Centre of EXcellence on Connected, Geo-localized and Cyber-secure vehicles) of the University of L’Aquila was founded in 2019 and it represents a major goal of the broader EMERGE (Light Commercial Vehicles & Emerging...