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Enrolment: Graduates - open admission degree courses

If you have already obtained a degree you may enrol in a new university degree programme and request a study plan curtailment (if applicable). Enrolment applications must be received by 31st October, if this deadline is not met applications will be accepted until 20th December but you will have to pay a €52.00 late-enrolment fee.


Graduates applying for course curtailment must:

  • fill in the form (modulo) available online
  • present a certificate or personal declaration stating the examinations passed and credits earned during their previous university career
  • provide a payment receipt slip for the sum of €50.00 


Applications will be examined by competent authorities who will decide what year of the course the applicant should be enrolled in and which of the exams previously taken will be approved within the new degree course.


Students must complete their application within 15 days after this decision is announced, thus providing all necessary documentation required for enrolment. If the deadline is not met a €52.00 late-enrolment fee will be imposed.