This section is dedicated to e-resources available to users at the University of L’Aquila.
Try a simultaneous search of databases, e-books and fulltext articles in
Browse the menu to access single e-resources:
- Databases and articles (info in Italian)
- E-Journals (info in Italian)
- Ebooks (info in Italian)
Open Access Resources
- Institutional Open Archives (info in Italian)
An extensive list of Open Access digital repositories created by some of the main universities in Italy and worldwide in order to promote the widespread diffusion of their professors’ and researchers’ scientific production, also providing nearly total access to theses, dissertations and scholarly publications. - Open Access Search Engines (info in Italian)
Some of the most useful tools designed to search for Open Access archives and materials on the web. - Open Access Databases and Articles - Sciences and Technology (info in Italian)
- Open Access Databases and Articles - Humanities (info in Italian)
These pages include links to directories, encyclopedias and other reference sites whose contents can be freely accessed by all users. - Ebooks OA (info in Italian) A list of the most interesting sites offering high quality free ebooks.
- E-resources for Economics (info in Italian)
- E-resources for Engineering (info in Italian)
- E-resources for Letters and philosophy (info in Italian)
- E-resources for Medicine and biotechnologies (info in Italian)
- E-resources for Sciences (info in Italian)
- E-resources for Educational sciences (info in Italian)
- E-resources for Sport sciences (info in Italian)
It is also possible to access an a-z index (info in Italian) of all e-resources.
All e-resources are available at access points within the university; once off campus, access is granted by logging in and authenticating to a proxy server using the ID and password supplied to authorized users. UnivAQ Library System offers a large number of online research databases, ebooks collections and journals subscriptions, which have licensing restricted to current UnivAQ students, faculty and staff. When you use these resources, the proxy server (also called EZproxy) will detect that you are not in Campus and will serve you the standard University of L'Aquila sign-in screen. From there, you just need to login as usual for access.
Please contact the Helpdesk for any information and support.