The Deputy Rector carries out administrative decisions on behalf of the Rector, when necessary, due to absence or other impediments.
In office from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024.
Claudio Ferri is Full Professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector of Internal Medicine at the University of L'Aquila.
The scientific activity of prof. Ferri is consolidated, in addition to the numerous national and international projects in which he takes part or coordinates and the intense national and international conference activity as an invited speaker, by over 360 published publications in peer reviewed journals. Ferri is also the author of around 300 publications in Italian.
Ferri has translated numerous commonly used books in studies of Internal Medicine and Cardiology and is co-author of several books for students.
Multiple national and international funding supported his research, aimed at conducting clinical and experimental studies. The most recent funding comes from the Unilever company for a study on the cardiovascular effects of tea and from the Carispaq Foundation for a study to be conducted in the L'Aquila area.
The research lines of the scientific activity carried out by prof. Ferri have mainly concerned sodium metabolism in the context of the etiopathogenesis and therapy of arterial hypertension, endothelial function and - for about 10 years - the role of nutrition and some micro- and macronutrients in influencing blood pressure regulation and sensitivity insulin. Many of the studies carried out by prof. Ferri are conducted together with prestigious national and international research groups.