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Here you will find useful information on transferring from, and to, the University of L’Aquila together with info for students already enrolled in the University of L’Aquila who wish to transfer to a different degree course within our University.


Transferring to another degree course in the University of L’Aquila or in a different University

Transfer requests must be made between 1st August to 31st October and presented to the competent Student Registry office. The forms to be filled in are available online (form for transferring to another degree course, form for transferring in a different University); students must also include their registration booklet with their transfer requests.

If you are already enrolled in the University of L’Aquila but you want to transfer to a different degree course within this University you must also renew enrolment before presenting your transfer request.

Students who are in the condition of having exceeded academic terms (“fuori corso”) must include a statement motivating their transfer request.

Students who want to continue their studies within military academies or foreign universities must make a request to “freeze” their university career.


Transferring to the University of L’Aquila from other universities

If you want to transfer to the University of L’Aquila you must first get a “transfer approval” from your University and then proceed to fill in an application requesting to continue studies at the University of L’Aquila which is to be taken to the competent Student Registry office of our University. You may also include an individual study plan with your application.

Once the competent academic boards have deliberated you must complete required administrative procedures, as stated for enrolment, within 15 days. Failing to do so will result in the payment of a penalty fee. To have your application reviewed a second time you must also present a request within 15 days after deliberation announcements.


Please visit the Tuition page in our Italian portal for info on transferring fees.