The broad objectives of FP7 have been grouped into four categories: Cooperation, Ideas, People and Capacities. For each type of objective, there is a specific programme corresponding to the main areas of EU research policy. A specific programme on nuclear research and training activities, EURATOM has been planned.
The specific programme on Cooperation supports all types of research activities carried out by different research bodies in trans-national cooperation and aims to gain or consolidate leadership in key scientific and technology areas.
The Cooperation programme is sub-divided into ten distinct themes. Each theme is operationally autonomous but aims to maintain coherence within the Cooperation programme and allowing for joint activities cutting across different themes, through, for example, joint calls.
Here are links to official sites of the ten distinct themes and to open calls:
- Health – Open Calls
- Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology – Open Calls
- Information and Communication Technologies – Open Calls
- Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials – Open Calls
- Energy – Open Calls
- Environment – Open Calls
- Transport – Open Calls
- Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities – Open Calls
- Space – Open Calls
- Security – Open Calls
The objective of the specific programme Ideas is to reinforce excellence, dynamism and creativity in European research and improve the attractiveness of Europe for the best researchers from both European and third countries, as well as for industrial research investment, by providing a Europe-wide competitive funding structure, in addition to and not replacing national funding, for “frontier research” executed by individual teams. Communication and dissemination of research results is an important aspect of this programme.
For its implementation, a European Research Council (ERC), consisting of an independent Scientific Council and a dedicated implementation structure, has been established by the Commission under this specific programme. The ERC operates according to the principles of scientific excellence, autonomy, efficiency, transparency and accountability, and supports investigator-driven projects in “frontier research”, carried out by individual teams competing at the European level, within and across all fields of research.
The People specific programme acknowledges that one of the main competitive edges in science and technology is the quantity and quality of its human resources. To support the further development and consolidation of the European Research Area, this specific programme's overall strategic objective is to make Europe more attractive for the best researchers.
The Commission’s proposals for the FP7 Capacities programme aim to enhance research and innovation capacities throughout Europe and ensure their optimal use.
- Research Infrastructures – Open Calls
- Research for the Benefit of SMEs – Open Calls
- Regions of Knowledge – Open Calls
- Research Potential – Open Calls
- Science in Society – Open Calls
- Coherent Development of Research Policies – Open Calls
- Activities of International Cooperation – Open Calls
Euratom energy research activities are carried out under the treaty with the same name, which in 1957 established the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). Euratom is legally separated from the European Community (EC) and has its own Framework Research Programme, however managed by the common Community institutions.
This Framework Programme enhances the creation of a critical mass and new structures in key research fields at the European level as well as the promotion of the free movement of ideas, knowledge and researchers. In general terms, the Euratom research programme aims to develop and assemble knowledge and to improve scientific and technical competences and know-how in support of safety, security, reliability, sustainability and cost-effectiveness of nuclear energy.