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Sustainability as Development Strategy

Institutional autonomy, academic freedom and integrity are the pillars on which the whole academic community of University of L'Aquila bases its own choices and actions. The education of the new generations, the research of new knowledge, the respect for the fundamental ethical principles and a continuous enhancement of its multidisciplinary and international hallmark are the core activities that the university implements with a vision that goes beyond the present.
Well aware that these activities have a direct and indirect impact on the local and global society and that the success depends on the ability to influence the decision making levels, University of L’Aquila works together with the main social actors and cooperates with several universities around the world, sharing with them the fundamental values underneath research and teaching.

The complexity of the phenomena that characterize the present society and affect the people’s life and future, is a huge challenge that requires a common approach based on scientific knowledge and innovative multidisciplinary methods. The increasing economic and cultural interdependencies, the growing North-South divide, the ageing and demographic change, the climate change impact, the social exclusion and poverty, the inequalities and migration flows, the digital divide, the loss of confidence in democratic institutions at national and international level, require the development of innovative research and technologies and new and clever methods and processes of social innovation mechanisms. Indeed, the evolving demands of citizens combined with the global challenges and changes in the structure of knowledge production, require a better identification and a different assessment and understanding of the constitutive elements of innovation that overcome the present boundaries between the well-established categories and sectors, such as products, processes, goods or services.

Universities play a key role in this process of re-invention of proper forms of solidarity and construction of an inclusive and innovative society also by reinforcing the cooperation with the third countries. It is on these principles that University of L’Aquila has worked in the last years and has developed its Strategic Plan 2020-2025. The University, through a renovated methodology for the data collection and valorization and integration of the documents, reports and performance assessments, had the opportunity to measure its capacity to cope with the global challenges and contribute to the achievement of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. UNIVAQ is at 17th position in the global rank for SDG4, 1st in Italy for the SDG12 and SDG13, in THE Impact ranking 2021 and among the top 40 universities in the Green Metric list 2021, 4th in Italy.    


Edoardo Alesse, the Rector