The new university regulations (regulation or rules) provide for the establishment of an Intellectual Property Commission, composed of the Delegate of Rector for technology transfer (or another member appointed by the Rector, in the event of an incompatibility), and two additional members, also appointed by the Rector, chosen from among experts with proven qualification and experience in aspects relating to the protection and valorisation of intellectual property.
The Commission is currently composed of the following members:
- Prof. Luciano Fratocchi - Chairman
- Prof. Anna Maria Teti - Member
- Prof. Alfonso Pierantonio - Member
The Commission supports the Board of Directors by expressing mandatory (but not binding) opinions on
- requests for the registration of intangible assets
- requests to cover the costs of international extension procedure (PCT, EPO or other procedures, also relating to Intangible Assets other than Patents) and on any other act that involves the use of the University Intellectual Property Fund
- negotiation acts aimed at the explitation of intangible assets
- criteria, guidelines, internal regulations, procedures regarding the registration of intangibleassets and their subsequent valorisation
- maintenance of patents and other titles, in the years following filing, by monitoring their development status.
The Commission also collaborates with the TTO to support the inventor/author who requests assistance from the University in obtaining and exploiting the intellectual property.
The Commission's opinions are based on the potential degree of exploitation of the intellectual property. For this purpose, the Commission may avail itself of the contribution of experts in the individual scientific areas, to be identified both among the University staff and among external subjects. The Commission may also promote cross-examination between the aforesaid experts and the group of proposers.
It is the duty of the proposers to provide:
- a list of the names of at least five experts in the subject matter of the registration request, at least two of whom are not linked to indepent from Univaq;
- any useful information for the evaluation of the potential degree of valorisation of the intangible asset.
In those cases in which it is called upon to give its opinion, the Commission may take all the preliminary steps necessary for the most appropriate and considered assessment, including the hearing of the subjects involved in the cases under examination.
In cases where it is called upon to give its opinion, the Commission may take all the preliminary steps necessary for a proper assessment of the proposals, including the hearing of stakeholders in the cases under consideration.
The Commission shall deliver its opinion within a maximum of three months from the submission of the proposal, unless supplementary requests are made.