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Accessibility and site information

Site structure
Access keys
Restricted areas

Site structure
The University portal is divided into six macro-areas – University, Teaching, Research, Students, Staff, Firms & industries – providing access to the main sections.  The first three offer information concerning those areas while the other three offer each of the main user-categories of our portal a specific path to follow. portal pages have a three-column setup: on the left of the page users find a drop-down menu allowing them to navigate between the sections and subsections of each macro-area, contents are found in the central column of the page while, on the right-hand column, related pages and documents can be consulted together with latest news.

Below the header users can find breadcrumbs showing them the path they have followed to get to the page they are viewing. This allows users to keep track of their locations. Clicking on these links lets users immediately access desired pages.

All pages display title, text and other possible links to different pages of the portal or to other sites and documents. Hypertext links are highlighted in red. Documents found within the portal are mainly in two formats: PDF and Word – both indicated with their corresponding icons.


Accessibility is referred to in terms of Decree Law n. 106 of 10th August 2018 (in Italian), in adherence to the EU Directive 2016-2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies. This updates and modifies Law no. 4 of 9th January 2004 (also known as the “Stanca Act”) providing “Provisions to support and simplify access to information technologies for users, particularly for the disabled" (in Italian). It is also referred to in terms of Ministerial Decree 8th July 2005, "Technical requirements and the different levels of accessibility of computer tools"(in Italian). The “Stanca Act” (art. 2.1.a.) defines accessibility as “the capability of computer systems, including websites and mobile applications, in accordance with technological knowledge and its limits, to supply services and to provide information which can be accessed by users without discrimination, including users who need supporting technologies or special configurations because of disability".

Accessibility was a main objective while designing the website, an objective which was not easy to reach due to the vast quantity and quality of the contents deriving from a wide array of sources and also due to the interactive services offered. In accordance with the guidelines of the W3C Consortium, the general principles specified for the development of an accessible website have been adopted. This portal was developed using beContent framework and XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.0 technology for content presentation.

The University of L’Aquila is dedicated to increasing the accessibility of the website for users with visual or reading impairments by means of text-to-speech technology. The text is available in both audio and visual formats at the same time and it is also highlighted while being read. The text-to-speech technology offered conforms to the most recent web standards (HTML5/CSS3), is compatible with WCAG 2.0, and works on all browsers and on iOS and Android devices. For more information available in Italian go to:

In reply to Decree Law no. 179 of 18th October 2012, providing "Further urgent measures for the growth of the Country" (in Italian) which includes some amendments to the aforementioned Italian Law no. 4 of 9th January 2004 and Legislative Decree no. 82 of 7th March 2005 including the "Digital Administration Code" (in Italian), we publish the "Annual accessibility objectives" (available in Italian) of the University of L'Aquila.


The accessibility coordinator in the University is Dr. Rocco Matricciani.

To report an error or comment please use the Feedback form available on each page.


Access keys
This site makes use of "access keys", that is to say keyboard shortcuts that make it easier to navigate the site. The following have been activated:
Home = h
To access the HOME PAGE.
University = a
To access UNIVERSITY section.
Teaching = d
To access TEACHING section.
Research = r
To access RESEARCH section.
Students = s
To access STUDENTS section.
Staff = p
To access STAFF section.
Firms & industries = e
To access FIRMS & INDUSTRIES section.

How to use access keys for most browsers and operating systems:

Internet Explorer 7 or older ALT + access key + ENTER
Internet Explorer 8 and above ALT + access key
ALT + SHIFT + access key
Chrome ALT + access key (SHIFT may be required in some circumstances)
Opera SHIFT + ESC release the keys + access key
ALT + access key
Internet Explorer CTRL + access key + ENTER
Mozilla/Firefox CTRL + OPT + access key
Chrome CTRL + OPT + access key
Opera SHIFT + ESC release the keys + access key
CTRL + OPT + access key
Mozilla/Firefox ALT + access key
Netscape/Gecko ALT + access key
Opera SHIFT + ESC release the keys + access key

You can surf among links also by using TAB and SHIFT + TAB keys.

Restricted areas
Certain pages of our portal can only be accessed by authorized users, these pages are marked with a lock icon.

Many documents on our portal can be downloaded by users (announcements, ranking lists, forms, etc.). Formats are indicated with the following icons:

Icon Format
.pdf (Portable Document Format)
.zip (Compressed File Format)
.xls (Excel)
.doc (Word Document)
.odt (Open Office)
.rtf (Rich Text Format)
.ppt (PowerPoint)
.jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
.mpg (Moving Picture Experts Group)
.wmv (Windows Media Video)