Path of Excellence 2024/2025 AY
Some of our degree programs offer the opportunity to selected students to enrol in Path of Excellence, as approved by the Academic Senate (No. 224/2013 of 14.11.2013).
The Path of Excellence is a program integrated with the regular study programme, addressed to students willing to deepen their knowledge and capabilities through extra-curricular activities in selected topics. Completion of the Path of Excellence will be recorded on the student's career and awarded with a prize, the amount of which is decided on a yearly basis.
To see all our Bachelor’s and Master’s level degree courses, click here.
- Go to the Course catalogue to read the objectives and learning outcomes of the Degree
programmes and to search for teaching units.
- Click on Degree course title below to get a quick information.
- Click on Department name to see the Department profile.
List of Bachelor’s and Master’s level courses ordered by Department