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Amount to be paid

For AY 2023/2024 students can enroll or renew their enrollment by paying an amount equal to € 156,00 (regional tax + virtual stamp duty).

Furthermore, students must pay an annual fee - Contributo Onnicomprensivo Annuale (COA), the amount of which varies depending on:

  • the financial situation and income bracket of the student's household (the "ISEE Università" form - economic equivalency indicator - can be provided by any Tax Assistance Centre, CAF or Italian Social Security Office, INPS);
  • whether or not the student is eligible for any reductions.

To obtain an estimate of their COA, students must log onto their Virtual Registry Office in order to:

  • authorize the University to obtain their ISEE Università form directly from the data bank of the Italian Social Security Office, INPS;
  • declare any possible circumstance which entitles them to reductions.

Details regarding students’ COA estimate and the expected reductions are reported in the "Guida tasse e contributi universitari a.a. 2023/2024" (available in Italian).


Foreign students

Students not residing in Italy and without EU citizenship are placed automatically in the lowest income bracket, corresponding to ISEE University ≤23250, given that the ISEE University estimate cannot be applied. This includes:

  • students coming from countries included in the Italian Ministerial Decree which identifies developing countries for the AY 2023/2024;
  • students coming from countries with special conditions/ benefits.

These students are, however, subject to payment of the regional tax, the virtual stamp duty and to the revision of the COA based on personal academic achievement.

The criteria present in the Guide (available in Italian) that apply to Italian students are also valid for students coming from other countries which are not among the ones mentioned above.

Students who are recognized as political refugees are exempted from the payment of annual fee (COA). These students are, however, subject to payment of the regional tax and the virtual stamp duty. The political refugee’s status has to be proved by the student, who will send the official documentation to the competent Student Registry office.


When to pay

An amount of € 156.00 must be paid at the time of registration or enrollment renewal from 18 July 2023 to 31 October 2024, while payment of COA is subject to the following deadlines:

  • for COA amounts less than or equal to € 250,00 the payment must be made in a single installment by 31 January 2024;
  • for COA amounts above € 250,00, and less or equal to € 500,00 payment is due in two installments - the first half of the total amount due by 31 January 2024 and the remaining half due by May 31, 2023;
  • for COA amounts above € 500,00 payment is due in three installments – the first due by 31 January 2024, the second due by March 31, 2023 and the third one due by May 31, 2024.

Late payments are subject to a penalty of € 52.00.


How to pay

Whether you are enrolling for your first year or renewing enrollment for subsequent years, payment must be made exclusively through the PagoPA system designed by AgID - the Agency for Digital Italy to facilitate payments made to Public Administrations.

To proceed with payment of your university fees, students must log onto their Virtual Registry Office, click on the invoice on the left and choose your payment method:

  • online payment
  • in person

For instructions consult our guide "Come pagare le tasse universitarie con PagoPA" (available in Italian).


Whom can I contact for further information?

You can get further information and explanations by writing to or by visiting our office: “Settore contributi studenteschi e borse di studio”, situated in “Blocco 11” - Piazzale Salvatore Tommasi 1, Coppito (near the city's hospital).

Please take note that all students who are not up-to-date with their tuition payments cannot sit exams or carry out any administrative procedures.


Are there other fees to pay?

Other fees may be charged for services provided by our Student Registry offices. Please visit the corresponding page in our Italian portal for more info.