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Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production

12 Responsible Consumption and Production

pdf format Report 2022-2023
pdf format Report 2020-2021



- 145 Course Units (allegato in formato pdf List)


- 843 Publications (Scopus 2017-2021)

- 35 Projects   (List format pdf List)

Third Mission and Social Engagement

- 7 Projects (List format pdf List)


Infrastructures, Plans, Regulations, Reports:

- EX-EMERGE - Centre of EXcellence on Connected, Geo-localized and Cyber-secure vehicles

- CETEMPS - Center of Excellence in Telesensing of Environment and Model Prediction of Severe Events

- CITRAMS - Sustainable Transport and Mobility Research Centre

- Policy on waste reduction, treatment and disposal

- Policy on Wastewater Disposal

- Strategic Plan

- List format pdf Gender Equality Plan - GEP

- List format pdf Positive Actions Plan - PAP

- List format pdf Positive Actions Plan - PAP (updated)

- allegato in formato pdfFountains for Fresh Water Use

- Stop Single Use Plastic

- Energy Manager