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Goal 13 - Climate action

13 Climate Action

pdf format Report 2022-2023
pdf format Report 2020-2021



- 167 Course Units (allegato in formato pdf List)

- 1 International Master degree in Atmospheric Science and Technology


- 2163 Publications (Scopus 2017-2021)

- 35 Projects   (List format pdf List)

Third Mission and Social Engagement

- 7 Projects (List format pdf List)

Infrastructures, Plans, Policies and Regulations:

- CETEMPS - Center of Excellence in Telesensing of Environment and Model Prediction of Severe Events

- CITRAMS - Sustainable Transport and Mobility Research Centre

- Alpine Botanical Garden of Campo Imperatore, as testbed for early detection and witness of climate change impact

- Strategic Plan

- Car Pooling

- Pilot bicycle sharing plan

- Mobility Manager

- Energy Manager

- Partnerships:


- Municipality of L'Aquila

- Region Abruzzo

- Civil Protection Department

- Firefighters Department