Last update: 28 November 2022
Online services
Student services and facilities
Student registry offices
Student Ombudsperson
Student Council and representatives
Code of ethics
- University
- Documenti di programmazione
- Our history
- Organization
- Regulations
- Quality Assurance System
- International Rankings
- Sustainable Development
- Statistical data
- Emeritus and Honorary Professors
- E-government and online services
- Centre for Digitization
- Multidisciplinary Internal Review Board
- Workplace safety and security
- Budget and financial statements
- University elections
- Inaugurations of academic years
- Congress centres
- Events
- University conferences
- Honoris Causa degree
- Vincenzo Rivera Award
- University publications
- University of L'Aquila Foundation
- Forms and applications
- Useful links
- Institutional communication
- Online services
- Student services and facilities
- Student registry offices
- Student Ombudsperson
- Student Council and representatives
- Code of ethics
- Student Bill of Rights
- How to choose a degree course
- University of L'Aquila Alumni
- Enrolment – attendance – graduation
- E-Learning
- International mobility
- Call for international students
- Postgraduate studies
- Lifelong learning
- Training and internships
- Career guidance
- Scholarships, grants and awards
- Student safety regulations
- Services for the disabled
- SACS - Listening and Counselling Service
- Dr. SeCS - Sexological Counselling
- Living in L'Aquila
- Useful links
- Online services
- Services for our staff
- Code of ethics
- Guarantee Act Committee (CUG)
- University Disciplinary Committee
- Academic staff
- Technical and administrative staff
- Consultancy and collaboration
- Trade union representation
- CASA - University Cultural and Recreational Centre
- Workplace safety and security
- Useful links
- Research structures
- Research training
- I and II level Specializing-Master courses
- Vocational postgraduate courses
- Training and internships
- Career guidance
- Participation in external structures
- Technology transfer
- University publications
- University of L'Aquila Foundation
- Public competitions and calls for tenders
- Useful links
The University Library System is a network of five library units which offer support for teaching and research activities carried out within the University of L’Aquila.
The five library units are organized and distributed as follows:
Polo Centro
Polo Coppito
Polo Roio
Our Library System avails itself of the activities of the University Library System Scientific Council which has a duration of three years.
University Library System Co-ordinator
Find out if a publication or document is available to be consulted or borrowed and where to find it. |

© Copyright 2025
University of L'AquilaPalazzo Camponeschi, piazza Santa Margherita 2, 67100 L'Aquila