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Study plans

Instructions for study plan online submission (available in Italian).


Students may also, in accordance with regulations established by individual Departments, present an alternative individual study plan between 1st August – 31st October (and between 15th January - 15th february only for courses offered in the II semester), after enrolment has been renewed. If the deadline of 31st October is not met you can present an individual study plan until 20th December but you will have to pay a €52.00 fee.

Requests, written on paper for legal purposes, together with a form available at the Student Registry Office will be examined by a degree course Committee. The decisions made by the Committees will be posted at the Student Registry office.


Students following an official degree course study programme may enrol in up to two subject courses taught within other degree course programmes, this option is not given to students who have exceeded academic terms (“fuori corso”).