When you enrol you are given a registration booklet for which you are personally responsible; you are not allowed to alter any of the information contained within this document and doing so may be punishable by law.
Replacement of lost or damaged booklets
If your registration booklet is lost or destroyed you may ask for a copy upon formal request made out to the University Rector, using a form (modulo) available online and including receipt of payment slip for the sum of €15.49. You must also provide an ID size photo together with a copy of the police report stating theft/loss, or a personal written declaration stating that the booklet was destroyed and explaining the circumstances.
Activation and management of an “alias” career for students going through gender transition
In the last decades the greater attention paid to issues related to privacy and respect for the individual have led to the adoption of a series of measures aimed at the protection of individuals in all their particularites.
Law no. 164/1982 provides all the necessary steps to obtain legal reassignment of gender and the related modification of the documents of the person involved but does not take into account the long period during which psychological and medical treatment is taking place and the person concerned must face everyday life in society.
In this context, the University wishes to protect the student often facing severe embarrassment caused by the contrast between his/her appearance and the name emerging at each exam session or, in any case, during public confrontations with classmates and teachers.
To this end, these students’ careers will be managed through the activation of an “alias” career; the assignment of a temporary identity which is to be transitional and not consolidated, the applicant shall be issued a new university booklet indicating their surname and the name they have chosen, together with their student ID/registration number; moreover, the computer system will be available for booking and registration of exam results. The booklet related to the student’s alias career can be exhibited only within the University and cannot be used for any other purpose nor exhibited outside the University. The University will not produce any certification or authentication related to the student’s alias career.
Those who intend to request the activation of an "alias " career will have to contact the Guarantee Act Committee (CUG) of the University of L'Aquila submitting documentation showing that the student has been taken into care by a health facility that deals with gender dysphoria.
The adoption of a legal career and an alias career will entail a confidentiality agreement available at the Student Registry offices to be signed by the applicant.
The Head of the student registry office shall be responsible for managing the student’s career while the President of the student’s degree course, or his/her delegate, shall act as a tutor and guide the student throughout their university career.