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Quality Assurance System

The national system for university evaluation, accreditation and quality assessment operates in accordance with the norms and guidelines establishing quality standards for higher education in the EU area. It consists in two assessment systems, an internal one carrying out assessment within every university and an external one accrediting universities and degree courses offered.

The AVA system (Self-assessment, Periodic evaluation, Accreditation) consists in a series of activities carried out in accordance with laws that introduce initial and periodic accreditation procedures of universities and the courses they offer, periodic assessment of quality, efficiency and results obtained together with enhancement of self-assessment procedures carried out by universities themselves. The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) is encharged with defining the national system.

The University of L’Aquila Quality Assurance System relies on the following bodies to perform assessment duties:

Visit our Italian portal to view documents concerning the University of L’Aquila’s Quality Assurance System.

Useful links

  • ANVUR – Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes
  • CRUI – Conference of Italian University Rectors
  • ENQA – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • MUR – Ministry for University and Research (Italian)