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Goal 4 - Quality education

4 Quality Education

pdf format Report 2022-2023
pdf format Report 2020-2021



- 841 Course Units  (List format pdf List)

- 1 Unique Cycle Degree Programme in Primary Teacher Education

- 3 Post-graduate vocational, specialization and LLL courses

- Integrative 24 credits on anthropo-psycho-pedagogical disciplines and in teaching methodologies and technologies - Percorsi formativi 24 CFU

- Specialization Course on didactic support for pupils with disabilities - Corsi di specializzazione per il sostegno didattico agli alunni con disabilità

- Strategic communication and critical thinking

- 6 Projects for the quality enhancement of teaching methods:

    Building Reliable Effective and Aware DIsaster emergency and prevention managing skills – B-READI 

    Developing interdisciplinary competencies in Smart Logistics - INCO-SMRT

    Didactic QUALity Assessment for Innovation of Teaching and Learning Improvement – QUALITI

    Accelerating the transition towards Edu 4.0 in HEIs - TEACH4EDU

    Regional Cooperation in the field of recognition among Asian countries - RecoASIA

    Academic Entrepreneurship Roadmap – AcEntRoad 


- 14 Publications (Scopus 2017-2021)

- 31 Projects (List format pdf List)

Third Mission and Social Engagement

- 26 Projects (List format pdf List)

Structures, Plans, Services and Regulations:

- Department of excellence

- Student Services

- Services for Disabled Students

- Online Libraries Services

- Continuous Education Quality Assessment

- List format pdf Gender Equality Plan - GEP

- List format pdf Positive Actions Plan - PAP

- List format pdf Positive Actions Plan - PAP (updated)

- List format pdf Welfare and Well-being Plan

- The confidential Counsellor

- "alias" career