Academic Discipline:
AGRI-01/A - Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal
AGRI-02/A - Agronomy and Field Crops
AGRI-02/B - Vegetable and Ornamental crops
AGRI-03/A - Arboriculture and Fruitculture
AGRI-03/B - Silviculture, Forest Ecology and Management
AGRI-03/C - Wood Technology and Forestry Operations
AGRI-04/A - Agricultural Hydraulics and Watershed Protection
AGRI-04/B - Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization
AGRI-04/C - Rural Buildings and Agro-Forest Land Planning
AGRI-05/A - General and Applied Entomology
AGRI-05/B - Plant Pathology
AGRI-06/A - Agricultural Genetics
AGRI-06/B - Agricultural Chemistry
AGRI-06/C - Pedology
AGRI-07/A - Food Science and Technology
AGRI-08/A - Agricultural, Food and Environmental Microbiology
AGRI-09/A - Livestock Systems, Animal Breeding and Genetics
AGRI-09/B - Animal Nutrition and Feeding
AGRI-09/C - Animal Science
AGRI-09/D - Aquaculture, Poultry and Rabbit Science
ANGL-01/A - English Literature
ANGL-01/B - Anglo-American Literature
ANGL-01/C - English Language, Translation and Linguistics
ARCH-01/A - Prehistory and Protohistory
ARCH-01/B - Numismatics
ARCH-01/C - Civilizations of Pre-Roman History and Etruscology
ARCH-01/D - Classical Archaeology
ARCH-01/E - Christian, Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology
ARCH-01/F - Ancient Topography
ARCH-01/G - Methodologies for Archaeological Research
ARTE-01/A - History of Medieval Art
ARTE-01/B - History of Modern Art
ARTE-01/C - History of Contemporary Art
ARTE-01/D - Museology and Art and Restoration Criticism
ASIA-01/A - Archaeology and Art History of Central Asia and India
ASIA-01/B - History, Religion and Philosophies of South and Central Asia
ASIA-01/C - Indology and Tibetology
ASIA-01/D - Modern Languages and Literatures of the Indian Subcontinent
ASIA-01/E - Archaeology, Art History, Religions and Philosophies of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia
ASIA-01/F - Languages and Literatures of China and South-Eastern Asia
ASIA-01/G - Japanese Language and Literature, Korean Language and Literature
ASIA-01/H - History of Eastern and South-Eastern Asia
BIOS-01/A - General Botany
BIOS-01/B - Systematic Botany
BIOS-01/C - Environmental and Applied Botany
BIOS-01/D - Pharmaceutical Biology
BIOS-02/A - Plant Physiology
BIOS-03/A - Zoology
BIOS-03/B - Anthropology
BIOS-04/A - Comparative Anatomy, Cell Biology and Developmental Biology
BIOS-05/A - Ecology
BIOS-06/A - Physiology
BIOS-07/A - Biochemistry
BIOS-08/A - Molecular Biology
BIOS-09/A - Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology
BIOS-10/A - Cellular and Experimental Biology
BIOS-11/A - Pharmacology
BIOS-12/A - Human Anatomy
BIOS-13/A - Human Histology and Embryology
BIOS-14/A - Genetics
BIOS-15/A - Microbiology
CEAR-01/A - Hydraulics
CEAR-01/B - Hydrology and Hydraulic and Maritime Structures
CEAR-02/A - Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
CEAR-02/B - Excavation Engineering and Safety
CEAR-02/C - Raw Materials Engineering
CEAR-02/D - Hydrocarbons and Underground Fluids
CEAR-03/A - Roads, Railways and Airports
CEAR-03/B - Transportation
CEAR-03/C - Real Estate Appraisal and Project Evaluation
CEAR-04/A - Geomatics
CEAR-05/A - Geotechnical engineering
CEAR-06/A - Mechanics of Solids and Structures
CEAR-07/A - Structural Analysis and Design
CEAR-08/A - Architectural Engineering
CEAR-08/B - Production and Management of Built Environment
CEAR-08/C - Technological and Environmental Design of Architecture
CEAR-08/D - Design
CEAR-09/A - Architectural and Urban Design
CEAR-09/B - Landscape Architecture
CEAR-09/C - Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design
CEAR-10/A - Drawing
CEAR-11/A - History of Architecture
CEAR-11/B - Architectural Conservation
CEAR-12/A - Urban and Regional Planning
CEAR-12/B - Urban and Landscape Planning
CHEM-01/A - Analytical Chemistry
CHEM-01/B - Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage
CHEM-02/A - Physical Chemistry
CHEM-03/A - General and Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM-04/A - Industrial Chemistry
CHEM-05/A - Organic Chemistry
CHEM-06/A - Chemical Foundations of Technologies
CHEM-07/A - Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHEM-07/B - Food Chemistry
CHEM-07/C - Chemistry and Biotechnology of Fermentation
CHEM-08/A - Technology, Socioeconomics and Regulation of Medicinal and Health and Wellbeing Products
COMP-01/A - Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature
ECON-01/A - Economics
ECON-02/A - Economic Policy
ECON-03/A - Public Economics
ECON-04/A - Applied Economics
ECON-05/A - Econometrics
ECON-06/A - Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement
ECON-07/A - Management
ECON-08/A - Organization Studies
ECON-09/A - Finance
ECON-09/B - Financial Markets and Institutions
ECON-10/A - Commodity Science
FICP-01/A - Greek and Latin Philology
FICP-01/B - Early Christian Literature
FICP-01/C - Papyrology
FLMR-01/A - Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature
FLMR-01/B - Romance Philology and Linguistics
FLMR-01/C - Portuguese, Brazilian and Lusophone Literatures
FLMR-01/D - Portuguese/Brazilian Language, Translation and Linguistics
FLMR-01/E - Romanian Language and Literature
FRAN-01/A - French Literature
FRAN-01/B - French Language, Translation and Linguistics
GEOG-01/A - Geography
GEOG-01/B - Economic and Political Geography
GEOS-01/A - Mineralogy
GEOS-01/B - Petrology
GEOS-01/C - Geochemistry and Volcanology
GEOS-01/D - Mining Georesources, Mineralogical and Petrographical Applications for the Environment and Cultural
GEOS-02/A - Paleontology and Paleoecology
GEOS-02/B - Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology
GEOS-02/C - Structural Geology and Tectonics
GEOS-03/A - Physical Geography and Geomorphology
GEOS-03/B - Applied Geology
GEOS-04/A - Solid Earth Geophysics
GEOS-04/B - Applied Geophysics
GEOS-04/C - Oceanography, Meteorology and Climatology
GERM-01/A - Germanic Philology and Linguistics
GERM-01/B - German Literature
GERM-01/C - German Language, Translation and Linguistics
GERM-01/D - Nordic Languages and Literatures
GERM-01/E - Dutch Language and Literature
GIUR-01/A - Private Law
GIUR-02/A - Business Law
GIUR-02/B - Navigation and Transport Law
GIUR-03/A - Economics Law
GIUR-03/B - Agri-Food Law
GIUR-04/A - Labour Law
GIUR-05/A - Constitutional and Public Law
GIUR-06/A - Administrative and Public Law
GIUR-07/A - Law and Religion
GIUR-08/A - Tax Law
GIUR-09/A - International Law
GIUR-10/A - European Union Law
GIUR-11/A - Comparative Private Law
GIUR-11/B - Comparative Public Law
GIUR-12/A - Civil Procedure Law
GIUR-13/A - Criminal Procedure Law
GIUR-14/A - Criminal Law
GIUR-15/A - Roman Law and Foundations of European Law
GIUR-16/A - History of Medieval and Modern Law
GIUR-17/A - Philosophy of Law
GLOT-01/A - Historical and General Linguistics
GLOT-01/B - Educational Linguistics
GLOT-01/C - Albanian Language and Literature
GLOT-01/D - Ugro-Finnic Philology
GSPS-01/A - Political Philosophy
GSPS-02/A - Political Science
GSPS-03/A - History of Political Thought
GSPS-03/B - History of Political Institutions
GSPS-04/A - History and Institutions of the Americas
GSPS-04/B - History of International Relations
GSPS-04/C - History and Institutions of Africa
GSPS-04/D - History and Institutions of Asia
GSPS-05/A - General Sociology
GSPS-06/A - Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes
GSPS-07/A - Sociology of Politics
GSPS-07/B - Sociology of Law and Deviance
GSPS-08/A - Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes
GSPS-08/B - Sociology of Environment and Territory
HELL-01/A - Philology and Civilizations of the Aegean and Pre-classical Mediterranean
HELL-01/B - Greek Language and Literature
HELL-01/C - Byzantine Civilization
HELL-01/D - Modern Greek Language and Literature
HIST-01/A - Medieval History
HIST-02/A - Modern History
HIST-03/A - Contemporary History
HIST-03/B - History of Eastern Europe
HIST-04/A - History of Religions
HIST-04/B - History of Christianity and Churches
HIST-04/C - Archiving, Bibliography and Librarianship
HIST-04/D - Palaeography
IBIO-01/A - Bioengineering
ICHI-01/A - Applied Physical Chemistry
ICHI-01/B - Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering
ICHI-01/C - Analysis, Design and Control of Chemical Processes
ICHI-02/A - Chemical Plants
ICHI-02/B - Chemical Technologies
IEGE-01/A - Business and Management Engineering
IIET-01/A - Electrical Engineering
IIND-01/A - Naval Architecture
IIND-01/B - Ship Structures and Engineering
IIND-01/C - Flight Mechanics
IIND-01/D - Aerospace Structures and Design
IIND-01/E - Aerospace Equipment and Systems
IIND-01/F - Fluid Dynamics
IIND-01/G - Aerospace Propulsion
IIND-02/A - Applied Mechanics
IIND-03/A - Mechanical Design and Machine Construction
IIND-03/B - Design Methods for Industrial Engineering
IIND-03/C - Metallurgy
IIND-04/A - Manufacturing Technologies and Systems
IIND-05/A - Industrial Mechanical Plants
IIND-06/A - Fluid Machinery
IIND-06/B - Energy Systems and Power Generation
IIND-07/A - Thermal Engineering and Industrial Energy Systems
IIND-07/B - Building Physics and Building Energy Systems
IIND-07/C - Nuclear Reactor Physics
IIND-07/D - Nuclear Power Plants
IIND-07/E - Nuclear Measurements and Instrumentation
IIND-08/A - Power Electronic Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives
IIND-08/B - Electrical Power Systems
IINF-01/A - Electronics
IINF-02/A - Electromagnetic Fields
IINF-03/A - Telecommunications
IINF-04/A - Systems and Control Engineering
IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems
IMAT-01/A - Materials Science and Technology
IMIS-01/A - Mechanical and Thermal Measurements
IMIS-01/B - Electric and Electronic Measurements
INFO-01/A - Informatics
ITAL-01/A - Italian Literature
LATI-01/A - Latin Language and Literature
LICO-01/A - Contemporary Italian Literature
LIFI-01/A - Italian Linguistics
LIFI-01/B - Philology of Italian Literature
MATH-01/A - Mathematical Logic
MATH-01/B - Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics
MATH-02/A - Algebra
MATH-02/B - Geometry
MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis
MATH-03/B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics
MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics
MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis
MATH-06/A - Operations Research
MEDF-01/A - Physical Training Sciences and Methodology
MEDF-01/B - Sport Sciences and Methodology
MEDS-01/A - Medical Genetics
MEDS-02/A - Experimental Medicine and Pathophysiology
MEDS-02/B - Clinical Pathology
MEDS-02/C - Medical History
MEDS-03/A - Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology
MEDS-04/A - Pathology
MEDS-05/A - Internal Medicine
MEDS-06/A - General Surgery
MEDS-07/A - Respiratory Diseases
MEDS-07/B - Cardiovascular Diseases
MEDS-08/A - Endocrinology and Metabolism
MEDS-08/B - Nephrology
MEDS-08/C - Food and Dietetic Sciences
MEDS-09/A - Medical Oncology
MEDS-09/B - Blood Diseases
MEDS-09/C - Rheumatology
MEDS-10/A - Gastroenterology
MEDS-10/B - Infectious Diseases
MEDS-10/C - Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
MEDS-11/A - Psychiatry
MEDS-12/A - Neurology
MEDS-13/A - Thoracic Surgery
MEDS-13/B - Vascular Surgery
MEDS-13/C - Heart Surgery
MEDS-14/A - Plastic Surgery
MEDS-14/B - Paediatric Surgery
MEDS-14/C - Urology
MEDS-15/A - Neurosurgery
MEDS-15/B - Maxillofacial Surgery
MEDS-16/A - Oral Diseases and Dentistry
MEDS-17/A - Ophthalmology
MEDS-18/A - Otorhinolaryngology
MEDS-18/B - Audiology and Phoniatrics
MEDS-19/A - Orthopaedics
MEDS-19/B - Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
MEDS-20/A - Paediatrics
MEDS-20/B - Child Neuropsychiatry
MEDS-21/A - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MEDS-22/A - Imaging and Radiotherapy
MEDS-22/B - Neuroradiology
MEDS-23/A - Anaesthesiology
MEDS-24/A - Medical Statistics
MEDS-24/B - Hygiene and Public Health
MEDS-24/C - Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
MEDS-25/A - Forensic Medicine
MEDS-25/B - Occupational Medicine
MEDS-26/A - Biotechnology and Methods in Laboratory Medicine
MEDS-26/B - Technical Diagnostic, Assistance and Prevention Health Profession Sciences
MEDS-26/C - Rehabilitation Health Profession Sciences
MEDS-26/D - Advanced Medical and Surgical Technology and Methodology
MVET-01/A - Veterinary Anatomy
MVET-01/B - Veterinary Physiology
MVET-02/A - Veterinary Pathology
MVET-02/B - Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin
MVET-03/A - Infectious Diseases of Animals
MVET-03/B - Parasitology and Animal and Human Parasitic Diseases
MVET-04/A - Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
MVET-04/B - Clinical Veterinary Medicine
MVET-05/A - Clinical Veterinary Surgery
MVET-05/B - Clinical Veterinary Obstetrics, Gynecology, Andrology and Neonatology
PAED-01/A - General and Social Pedagogy
PAED-01/B - History of Pedagogy and Education
PAED-02/A - Didactics and Special pedagogy
PAED-02/B - Experimental Pedagogy
PEMM-01/A - Performing Arts
PEMM-01/B - Cinema, Photography, Radio, Television and Digital Media
PEMM-01/C - Musicology and Music History
PEMM-01/D - Ethnomusicology
PHIL-01/A - Theoretical Philosophy
PHIL-02/A - Logic and Philosophy of Science
PHIL-02/B - History of Science and Technology
PHIL-03/A - Moral Philosophy
PHIL-04/A - Aesthetics
PHIL-04/B - Philosophy and Language theory
PHIL-05/A - History of Philosophy
PHIL-05/B - History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL-05/C - History of Medieval Philosophy
PHYS-01/A - Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Applications
PHYS-02/A - Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications
PHYS-03/A - Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications
PHYS-04/A - Theoretical Physics of Matter, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications
PHYS-05/A - Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science
PHYS-05/B - Physics of the Earth System, Planets, Space and Climate
PHYS-06/A - Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage
PHYS-06/B - Physics Education and History of Physics
PSIC-01/A - General Psychology
PSIC-01/B - Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
PSIC-01/C - Psychometrics
PSIC-02/A - Developmental and Educational Psychology
PSIC-03/A - Social Psychology
PSIC-03/B - Work and Organizational Psychology
PSIC-04/A - Dynamic Psychology
PSIC-04/B - Clinical Psychology
SDEA-01/A - Demoethnoanthropological Sciences
SLAV-01/A - Slavic Studies
SPAN-01/A - Spanish literature
SPAN-01/B - Spanish-American Languages and Literatures
SPAN-01/C - Spanish Language, Translation and Linguistics
STAA-01/A - History of Ancient Western Asia and the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean
STAA-01/B - Egyptology and Coptology
STAA-01/C - Assyriology
STAA-01/D - Anatolian studies
STAA-01/E - Archaeology and Art History of Ancient Western Asia and of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean
STAA-01/F - Phoenician and Punic Archaeology
STAA-01/G - Semitic Studies ?Ethiopian Languages and Literatures
STAA-01/H - Hebrew
STAA-01/I - African Languages and Literatures
STAA-01/J - History of Islamic Countries
STAA-01/K - Islamic Archaeology and Art history
STAA-01/L - Arabic Language and Literature
STAA-01/M - Armenian, Caucasian, Mongolian and Turkish Studies
STAA-01/N - Iranian Philology, Religions and History
STAA-01/O - Neo-Persian Language, Literature and History of Iran in the Islamic Age
STAN-01/A - Greek History
STAN-01/B - Roman History
STAT-01/A - Statistics
STAT-01/B - Statistics for Experimental and Technological Research
STAT-02/A - Economic Statistics
STAT-03/A - Demography
STAT-03/B - Social statistics
STAT-04/A - Mathematical Methods for Economy, Finance and Actuarial Sciences
STEC-01/A - History of Economic Thought
STEC-01/B - Economic History
Academic Recruitment Field:
01/INFO-01 - Informatics
01/MATH-01 - Mathematical logic, mathematics education and history of mathematics
01/MATH-02 - Algebra and geometry
01/MATH-03 - Mathematical analysis, probability and mathematical statistics
01/MATH-04 - Mathematical physics
01/MATH-05 - Numerical analysis
01/MATH-06 - Operations research
02/PHYS-01 - Experimental physics of fundamental interactions and applications
02/PHYS-02 - Theoretical physics of fundamental interactions, models, mathematical methods and applications
02/PHYS-03 - Experimental physics of matter and applications
02/PHYS-04 - Theoretical physics of matter, models, mathematical methods and applications
02/PHYS-05 - Astrophysics and cosmology, earth- space- and climate physics
02/PHYS-06 - Physics for life sciences, environment, and cultural heritage, physics education and history of phys
03/CHEM-01 - Analytical, enviromental and cultural heritage chemistry
03/CHEM-02 - Physical chemistry
03/CHEM-03 - General and inorganic chemistry
03/CHEM-04 - Industrial chemistry
03/CHEM-05 - Organic chemistry
03/CHEM-06 - Chemical foundations of technologies
03/CHEM-07 - Medicinal, toxicological, nutraceutical-food, fermentation and health and wellbeing products chemist
03/CHEM-08 - Technology, socioeconomics and regulation of medicinal and health and wellbeing products
04/GEOS-01 - Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, volcanology, georesources and applications
04/GEOS-02 - Paleontology, stratigraphic geology and sedimentology, structural geology and tectonics
04/GEOS-03 - Physical geography, geomorphology and applied geology
04/GEOS-04 - Geophysics
05/BIOS-01 - Botany
05/BIOS-02 - Plant physiology
05/BIOS-03 - Zoology and anthropology
05/BIOS-04 - Comparative anatomy, cell biology and developmental biology
05/BIOS-05 - Ecology
05/BIOS-06 - Physiology
05/BIOS-07 - Biochemistry
05/BIOS-08 - Molecular biology
05/BIOS-09 - Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology
05/BIOS-10 - Cellular and experimental biology
05/BIOS-11 - Pharmacology
05/BIOS-12 - Human anatomy
05/BIOS-13 - Human histology and embryology
05/BIOS-14 - Genetics
05/BIOS-15 - Microbiology
06/MEDF-01 - Physical training and sports sciences
06/MEDS-01 - Medical genetics
06/MEDS-02 - Experimental medicine, pathophysiology and clinical pathology
06/MEDS-03 - Microbiology and clinical microbiology
06/MEDS-04 - Pathology
06/MEDS-05 - Internal medicine
06/MEDS-06 - General surgery
06/MEDS-07 - Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases
06/MEDS-08 - Endocrinology, nephrology, food and wellness science
06/MEDS-09 - Blood diseases, oncology and rheumatology
06/MEDS-10 - Gastrointestinal, infectious and skin diseases
06/MEDS-11 - Psychiatry
06/MEDS-12 - Neurology
06/MEDS-13 - Heart, thoracic and vascular surgery
06/MEDS-14 - Plastic and paediatric surgery and urology
06/MEDS-15 - Neurosurgery and maxillofacial surgery
06/MEDS-16 - Oral diseases and dentistry
06/MEDS-17 - Ophthalmology
06/MEDS-18 - Otorhinolaryngology and audiology and phoniatrics
06/MEDS-19 - Orthopaedics and rehabilitation medicine
06/MEDS-20 - Paediatrics and child neuropsychiatry
06/MEDS-21 - Obstetrics and gynaecology
06/MEDS-22 - Imaging, radiotherapy and neuroradiology
06/MEDS-23 - Anaesthesiology
06/MEDS-24 - Medical statistics, hygiene, public health, nursing and midwifery
06/MEDS-25 - Forensic and occupational medicine
06/MEDS-26 - Methods in laboratory medicine, technical diagnostic, assistance, prevention and rehabilitation heal
07/AGRI-01 - Agricultural and food economics, and rural appraisal
07/AGRI-02 - Agronomy and field, vegetable, ornamental cropping systems
07/AGRI-03 - Arboriculture and forest systems
07/AGRI-04 - Agricultural, forest and biosystems engineering
07/AGRI-05 - Plant pathology and entomology
07/AGRI-06 - Agricultural and forest genetics, chemistry and pedology
07/AGRI-07 - Food science and technology
07/AGRI-08 - Agricultural, food and environmental microbiology
07/AGRI-09 - Animal science and technology
07/MVET-01 - Veterinary anatomy and physiology
07/MVET-02 - Veterinary pathology and inspection of foods of animal origin
07/MVET-03 - Infectious and parasitic animal diseases
07/MVET-04 - Veterinary clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology
07/MVET-05 - Clinical veterinary surgery and obstetrics
08/CEAR-01 - Hydraulics, hydrology, hydraulic and maritime engineering
08/CEAR-02 - Sanitary and environmental engineering, excavation engineering and safety, raw materials engineering
08/CEAR-03 - Infrastructure and transport engineering, real estate appraisal and project evaluation
08/CEAR-04 - Geomatics
08/CEAR-05 - Geotechnical engineering
08/CEAR-06 - Mechanics of solids and structures
08/CEAR-07 - Structural analysis and design
08/CEAR-08 - Design, architectural technology, architectural engineering and management of built environment
08/CEAR-09 - Architectural design
08/CEAR-10 - Drawing
08/CEAR-11 - Conservation and history of architecture
08/CEAR-12 - Urban and landscape planning and design
09/IBIO-01 - Bioengineering
09/ICHI-01 - Systems, methods and technologies of chemical and process engineering
09/ICHI-02 - Chemical plants and technologies
09/IEGE-01 - Business and management engineering
09/IIET-01 - Electrical engineering
09/IIND-01 - Aerospace engineering and naval architecture
09/IIND-02 - Applied mechanics
09/IIND-03 - Industrial design, machine construction and metallurgy
09/IIND-04 - Manufacturing technologies and systems
09/IIND-05 - Industrial mechanical plants
09/IIND-06 - Fluid machinery, energy systems and power generation
09/IIND-07 - Thermal sciences, energy technology, building physics and nuclear engineering
09/IIND-08 - Electrical energy engineering
09/IINF-01 - Electronics
09/IINF-02 - Electromagnetic fields
09/IINF-03 - Telecommunications
09/IINF-04 - Systems and control engineering
09/IINF-05 - Information processing systems
09/IMAT-01 - Materials science and technology
09/IMIS-01 - Measurements
10/ANGL-01 - English and anglo-american studies
10/ARCH-01 - Archaeology
10/ARTE-01 - Art history
10/ASIA-01 - Cultures and languages of central, south, eastern and south-eastern asia
10/COMP-01 - Comparative literature and literary theory
10/FICP-01 - Greek and latin philology, early christian literature, papyrology
10/FLMR-01 - Medieval latin, romance philology and literature
10/FRAN-01 - French language, literature and culture
10/GERM-01 - Germanic philology, languages, literatures and cultures
10/GLOT-01 - Theories and history of languages
10/HELL-01 - Greek language and literature
10/ITAL-01 - Italian literature
10/LATI-01 - Latin language and literature
10/LICO-01 - Contemporary italian literature
10/LIFI-01 - Italian linguistics and philology
10/PEMM-01 - Performing arts, music, film and media
10/SLAV-01 - Slavic studies
10/SPAN-01 - Spanish and spanish-american languages, literatures, and cultures
10/STAA-01 - Ancient and modern cultures and languages of africa and western and central asia
10/STAN-01 - Greek and roman history
11/GEOG-01 - Geography
11/HIST-01 - Medieval history
11/HIST-02 - Modern history
11/HIST-03 - Contemporary history
11/HIST-04 - Book and archive studies, historical-religious sciences
11/PAED-01 - Pedagogy and history of pedagogy and education
11/PAED-02 - Educational research, didactics, special pedagogy and experimental pedagogy
11/PHIL-01 - Theoretical philosophy
11/PHIL-02 - Logic, history and philosophy of science and technology
11/PHIL-03 - Moral philosophy
11/PHIL-04 - Aesthetics and philosophy of languages
11/PHIL-05 - History of philosophy
11/PSIC-01 - General psychology, neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience, psychometrics
11/PSIC-02 - Developmental and educational psychology
11/PSIC-03 - Social, work and organizational psychology
11/PSIC-04 - Clinical and dynamic psychology
11/SDEA-01 - Demoethnoanthropological sciences
12/GIUR-01 - Private law
12/GIUR-02 - Business and navigation law
12/GIUR-03 - Economics law and financial and agri-food markets law
12/GIUR-04 - Labour law
12/GIUR-05 - Constitutional and public law
12/GIUR-06 - Administrative and public law
12/GIUR-07 - Law and religion
12/GIUR-08 - Tax law
12/GIUR-09 - International law
12/GIUR-10 - European union law
12/GIUR-11 - Comparative law
12/GIUR-12 - Civil procedure law
12/GIUR-13 - Criminal procedure law
12/GIUR-14 - Criminal law
12/GIUR-15 - Roman law and foundations of european law
12/GIUR-16 - History of medieval and modern law
12/GIUR-17 - Philosophy of law
13/ECON-01 - Economics
13/ECON-02 - Economic policy
13/ECON-03 - Public economics
13/ECON-04 - Applied economics
13/ECON-05 - Econometrics
13/ECON-06 - Business administration, accounting & performance measurement
13/ECON-07 - Management
13/ECON-08 - Organization studies
13/ECON-09 - Financial markets, financial institutions, corporate finance
13/ECON-10 - Commodity science
13/STAT-01 - Statistics
13/STAT-02 - Economic statistics
13/STAT-03 - Demography and social statistics
13/STAT-04 - Mathematical methods for economy, finance and actuarial sciences
13/STEC-01 - Economic history - history of economics
14/GSPS-01 - Political philosophy
14/GSPS-02 - Political science
14/GSPS-03 - History of political thought and institutions
14/GSPS-04 - International history and area studies
14/GSPS-05 - General sociology
14/GSPS-06 - Sociology of cultural and communication processes
14/GSPS-07 - Sociology of politics, law and deviance
14/GSPS-08 - Sociology of economics, labour, environment and territory