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Progetti Erasmus Mundus

Progetti Erasmus Mundus

Sono state aperte le call per le domande di mobilità relative ai Progetti Erasmus Mundus MAYANET e ASSUR di cui l'Università dell'Aquila è Coordinatore.


MAYANET is a scholarship programme for students on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral level, as well as for university staff in academic or administrative positions, financed by the European Commission. MayaNET aims to contribute in the creation of lasting and reliable relations between EU and LA countries and enhance political, cultural, educational, and economic links between the two regions. It will develop training and scientific exchanges and result in a strong sustainable contribution to the construction of a global knowledge society.

Project website: https://erasmusmundus.univaq.it/mayanet

Applications: https://erasmusmundus.univaq.it/mayanet/?page_id=12

Start date: 19 December 2014 (00:00 CET)

End date: 10 February 2015 (23:59 CET)

Extension of the deadline for applications till 17th February 2015 (23:59 CET)


ASSUR is a scholarship programme for students on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral level, as well as for university staff in academic or administrative positions, financed by the European Commission. ASSUR overall objectives are the improvement of mutual understanding and the enhancement of cultural, educational, and economic relations between EU and Syria. The restrictive measures adopted by the EU due to the recent crisis, make EM crucial for supporting bilateral cooperation in education and research, thus providing important scientific and technological links.

Project website: https://erasmusmundus.univaq.it/assur

Applications: https://erasmusmundus.univaq.it/assur/?page_id=26

Start date: 19 December 2014 (00:00 CET)

End date: 10 February 2015 (23:59 CET)
