Here you can find links to various online library catalogues.
Card catalogues offer bibliographic descriptions of a given work – author, title, text edition, publisher, date, description – present in one or more libraries. An online catalogue, called OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue – is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users typically search a catalogue to locate books, periodicals, audio/visual materials or other items managed by a library. Online catalogues may be incomplete if a library has not converted all the bibliographic records of its catalogues into electronic format: in this case, users need to consult traditional card catalogues.
This is the National Library System Catalogue (SBN) containing the data of SBN L’Aquila unit libraries, consisting of all the libraries of the University of L’Aquila. It’s an intuitive and functional platform: you can search the catalogue by title, author, subject or choose an advanced search mask allowing for combined criteria. You can also search by topic or list and see the books by their covers or even visualize them as if they were on the library shelf. Accounts can be customized and search results can be shared on Facebook and Twitter.
The digital lending platform with the largest collection of content for all Italian libraries.
The University of L'Aquila Digital Archive of theses: it contains Bachelor's and Master's Degree theses starting from academic year 2018-2019. Printed format theses before 2018 are archived in each library and can be consulted if authorized by the auhor.
National Library Service (SBN) Catalogue
OPAC SBN (where OPAC stands for "On Line Public Access Catalogue") allows users to friendly search the collective catalogue of all the libraries belonging to the National Library Service. It is possible to identify documents of interest, find libraries owning these documents and access local catalogues for further information on document availability.
Italian Union Catalogue of Serials (ACNP)
This is the CIB – Bologna University inter-library centre catalogue, originating from the ACNP (National Collective Periodicals Archive) created in the 70s thanks to an IRDS – CNR initiative. The catalogue contains bibliographic descriptions of periodicals held by libraries scattered throughout the nation and covers all disciplinary fields.
Italian OPAC Repertoire (Italian)
This site collects all Italian catalogues.
Site containing OPAC repertoires and library web sites of the world.